Wildflowers of Hopkinton, Massachusetts

Identification Guide
Find by Name
History, Plans (TBD)
Links (TBD)
This is a catalog with descriptions and pictures of about 300 species of New England wildflowers, with all but a handful found in Hopkinton, Mass. I took most of the 1000 photographs in this catalog over the last 15 years within a mile of my house on South Mill St. When I started this project, I never dreamed there would be this wide a variety of flowers in such a small area—what you see here are 20% of all the wildflowers in the northeastern quarter of the U.S. (among those that are listed in most field guides). That’s pretty impressive for an area of just a couple of square miles. The descriptions here are derived from a combination of personal observations, web research, and several references.

This catalog also includes flowering shrubs and small trees that are listed in wildflower field guides, a few grasses, sedges, interesting lichen and mosses, and a page of ornamental shrubs that were growing here as long as anyone can remember (but no mushrooms or ferns).

Disclaimer: The information I provide has no official or scientific status and I make no claims for its accuracy. I actually don’t know anything about botany. But I like plants and reading about them, and this project has given me with many hours of relaxation in addition to frustration. This catalog is constantly evolving.

I took nearly all these photos myself, but in a handful of cases where I was never able to find the plant in bloom, I linked to another source as an identification aid. I hope you enjoy this web site and maybe even find it useful. If you want to look up a flower from its description, check out the identifier.

The text in this catalog is not yet complete. This is an ongoing process that will take me a long time to finish.

Morrie Gasser

Catalog last updated 4/20/2010


Here is an index of all the flowers, listed alphabetically by the part of the name shown in red. Of course, you can use the Find command in your browser to search by common or latin name.

To find a flower by the way it looks, see the identification guide which lists flowers by color and number of petals.